Gina’s Story

Transformation Testimony | First Time Figure Competitor

“I loved the journey and the knowledge I've gained since I made the commitment June 2014, at the youthful age of 49 years old, to do something I have always dreamed of doing.

It was something I always admired in other women. I committed to train for my first Figure Competition! I knew the minute I met trainer/coach Mendy Lynn that I was in the right place, with the right trainer! With Mendy Lynn's knowledge and awesome personality to guide me, my dream to step on stage as a figure competitor would finally come true! With only 12 weeks to train before competition date the training and nutritional diet would need to be fierce, fast & 100% focused. I had no wiggle room, no time to spare. I have always considered myself to be a fit and physically active person, 12 years teaching aerobics, weight lifting, power walking and just about anything fun, competitive and calorie burning! But there is nothing to compare to my 12 week experience training with Mendy Lynn! I learned so much about myself during this time, I loved the challenge, the accountability, the workouts and the mental and physical strength and the overall feeling of empowerment! September 2014, I stepped on stage and competed in 4 categories. I had made it! I am very proud of the fourth place trophy I brought home. I will always have it. When I look at it I am reminded that I accomplished my goal and did something I always dreamed of doing.”


Melanie’s Story